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Nataraja Pathu Lyrics In Tamil Pdf 19


Nataraja Pathu Lyrics In Tamil Pdf 19 this is a prayer verse written in Tamil to Lord Shri Nataraja Shri Sirumanavur Munuswami about 300 years before! Sacred verses are speeches like sermons delivered by Satvatama Sri Rupa Goswami in the Mahabharata and Bhagavata Purana! It is quite clear from the scriptures that all living beings are particles of the Lord, and the Lord is a manifestation of Vishnu, therefore the entire universe emanates from Him and resides in Him. If we consider our world as the same reincarnation of Vishnu and do not separate Him from ourselves, then it (Vishnu) is natural and beautiful; and if we separate ourselves from Him, then naturally and badly! Therefore, all people and living beings are particles of the Lord, and if we spiritualize this particle, then we will create someone who will be like God, and vice versa - if we do not spiritualize this particle, then it will be like an animal, albeit spiritualized, like the one like a bird is spiritualized, but the man himself, in fact, will still be an animal. Then I can say about the animals in my house: “Why do I consider myself an animal?” And so on ... However, how can one deprive the sense of one's own "I" of the shell, but at the same time consider it a part of God? How can one deprive oneself of a body, but consider oneself the body of the Lord, and yet be considered alive? Now about fear and hope, about that fear and anguish that fills us when the time comes to die! These are very important questions, but we will talk about them another time. Krishna Consciousness attracts souls because it is beautiful in itself! True, for the existence and development of the soul, the most important thing is to get rid of fear, and this can be done only at the expense of the mind. That is why the soul eats, drinks, sleeps, has sex, plays games, plays with children and lives like that. One who is ready to accept all this will never die, and He is Love, and one who has no love cannot become Krishna conscious. And only those who are engaged in the activities of Krish consciousness, not subject to any fear, simply live without fear of death. For the same reason, such a person will never agree to anything bad, and also will not cling to anything in this world associated with material desires. The soul is eternal and unchanging 3e8ec1a487

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